Thursday, March 29, 2007

It's all about Him

the Lord is so good and that is all i can really say right now, he is faithful and just and never leaves our side. it is great to know that God cares so much about each of us, he knows how many hair we have on our heads (and as for mine they are declining!) Let's remember this easter season to really encounter what Jesus death and resurrection means to us today and the blessings that we receive by entering into relationship with Him, not entering religion with rules and regulations but entering into freedom through Jesus. and then we will strive for righteousness and goodness because we know that that pleases the heart of the father and we want to do it. let us not forget.


Saturday, March 17, 2007

The Way I See It #879

If you've ever gotten a drink at Starbucks you have read this little saying on the side of a coffee cup. it is a way for a person to speak their mind and to get their point across. But I then wonder... what is the way that God sees it, what is the way that God sees us. our life is filled with messages that come at us from every angle, what are we to do? depend on what the Lord is saying! Not being led by the world is reading a "the way I see it #226" on the side of a coffee cup and just letting it at that, not letting it change our life, but allowing God to change our life. if we read a fortune cookie and took it at face value we would be seriously taking matters into our hands. so the way I see it is that we need to look at things with God's eyes and get the mindset that the way I am seeing things needs to be examined in light of what God is saying.

(written after finishing my coffee!)

If you notice the message on this cup is really great, thanks Rick Warren

Monday, March 05, 2007

No more cheese and crackers for me!!!

Hello all, I am so full of excitement for the Lord and what He is doing and going to do. There is so much inside of me that I feel like I'm going to burst!!!!!!
I going to start off by telling you a story of a European family who wanted to move to America. To be able to do this they had to work hard to save up enough money to pay for their way to go by ship to America. To save them money they ate cheese and crackers and that is what they lived on for their journey across the Atlantic ocean. Every day they would hear footsteps of people walking by their cabin on their way to the banqueting hall, but they remained in their cabin, settling for their cheese and crackers. The last night of their journey the Captain announced that they would reach land the next day. To celebrate the father decided that his family was going to feast in the banquet room that evening where everyone else had been feasting for three weeks. He asked the captain how much the meal cost, the captain with a surprised look on his face asked him "You mean you haven't been eating there? Those meals were included in the price of the fair"
How many of us are settling to eat cheese and crackers, but we have available to us a feast. Now of course I am not talking about literal food. I am talking spiritually. We have available to us all the promises of heaven. The things that God has to offer us is for all of us. We can feast with an amazing relationship with the almighty King of the universe, our creator, where we can have abundance of all we need. I'm not talking about money of thing we need physically, although the Bible does say our Father knows we need those things so He will provide, but I am more talking about having abundant love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control. The realities of Heaven we can experience in our every day walk with the Lord. The Lord want us to experience feasting with Him, and we don't have to wait until we are in Heaven. The Lords prayer Matt. 6: 9-15 verse 10 says Your Kingdom come your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. You want to know what the realities of Heaven are, read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, read Acts. Look at the ways that Jesus did ministry, look at the ways that the apostles did ministry. That was Heaven invading earth!! But that was Jesus, of course He could do that stuff, after all He was the son of God, and the disciples well, things are different now, right............WRONG!!!!! John 14:12 says, Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father. I am not making this up, read it for yourself, Jesus said he who believes, that's anybody, that is including us. In Acts 2: 39 it says that this is a promise for you your children, and your children's children and all those who are far off. This is talking about the Holy Spirit, and it is because of the Holy Spirit living and active in our lives that gives us all this stuff I am talking about, it is through the Holy Spirit that we can experience God. It is the spirit that gives love,
joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control. So who is ready to no longer settle for cheese and crackers and who wants to experience God in His fullness, the way we read about in the Bible. I do, I want all He has for me. I want to feast on things that take me so deep into His love that I get lost in His presence, that I can feel Him, not just know He is there cause that is what someone says, but because I can feel Him, and all the things around me no longer are a concern, because the love that He has to give for us to experience is so consuming. So how do we get this in our lives, the first step it to believe, believe that His word is true, and believe that He want us to experience all the things He has to give. The next step is to take a step towards Him. Lean into Him, He is pursuing us all the time, if we back away, we can't receive, we have to lean in. "Yes Lord I want more of you!" Step out of the boat and walk towards Him. And stop trying to figure it out first, our natural minds will never be able to figure out things of the spirit, things of the spirit are discerned by the spirit, sorry I do not have the reference for that one off the top of my head, and my concordance just fell asleep. The Lord is wanting ALL of us to experience Him and all of His goodness, allow the spirit of the Lord to come into your heart like a mighty rushing wind. No more cheese and crackers for me, and I will no longer feed cheese and crackers to the people God puts in my path.
