Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I'm Thankful your patient

Wow what a long time it's been since we've updated. well all is good in the Sommers house, even though it doesn't always feel like it. today I heard a guy on the radio saying about how we all get excited about those holy spirit high points in church, but then he was like "people the Holy Spirit lives inside of you!!!" we have the constant presence of the Lord with us at all times, we need to live like that. times get tough and they get hard, But take heart the Lord is with us at all times, within us, guiding us with His voice. remember the verses that say "He will never leave us nor forsake us." He is with us at all times. guys I sit here and write this with my own struggles and such yet am humbled by the love that God has for us. our issues seem so small in comparison to what Christ has done for us. This could turn into rambling but i feel God is trying to say something so i will just type.
God is looking for a people that will be sold out to him. when the tough times come they laugh because they know that they have the fruit of the Spirit within them, and mighty weapons in spiritual warfare. seek my face he says, read the word, it is a powerful tool, pray for the sick, pray without ceasing, Lord you are so good. the song Shout unto God comes to mind. "SHOUT UNTO GOD WITH A VOICE OF TRIUMPH, SHOUT UNTO GOD WITH A VOICE OF PRAISE, THE ENEMY HAS BEEN DEFEATED, DEATH CANNOT HOLD US DOWN. shake of the dust, take up your crosses and follow me, I will give you rest, I will help you through the tough times if you allow me to. i want to take your burden, I want to give you rest, you are not alone, you are able to soar on the wings of eagles, "close your eyes you have to believe, your not alone" (Words of the Jason Upton song playing on my CPU. please go to www.jasonupton.com and click on KOD radio and listen, soak!) we are not alone, God is with us, right here, lord come and lead us, help us to understand more of you. Victory is here, it is at hand, don't be afraid.
Be prepared for a great move of God, the enemy is freaking out because he is losing the battle at NCF, lets keep fighting the fight, sounding the battle cry and believing for more of the Lord, Invite all your friends to come on Wednesday, let's seek the face of God, enter into the holy of holies, this is what church is all about.
Thanks bloggers for reading my ranting, my hearts desire is to see God move in incredible ways. let's not attempt to confine the creator of the box to the box. fight the fight, STAY STRONG.



Thursday, November 23, 2006

I'm So Thankful

We have so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. And one thing we are so thankful for is each and every one of you. You all have been such a blessing to us, and it is an honor to be doing ministry with all of you. We always enjoy and look forward to spending time with you, and praising our savior together and of course..........DANCING! Thank you for being such a wonderful group of people who love the Lord and want to serve Him with your whole heart. Enjoy your day full of food, and family. We love you ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

paul and angie

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

fight the fight keep the faith

So many times when we go through a weekend of great power and cleansing it is hard to go through the next week. i know we run the risk of beating a dead horse, but we must stand strong in the Lord. the Lord has been so faithful to us as a group and will continue to be as we search after His face. it is so fun to be in the Lord's presence with our friends, earthly life is so short and we are aliens, strangers here on this earth. in the light of eternity we must live for Christ 24/7 in the world we live in. I can honestly say that I have had more fun these last few years since the Lord began working on me. At the time i truely turned my life around at 17/18 the Lord became number one in my life. and I have not looked back since. once we experince God's love and freedom we want more of it. people may try to write off things I've experinced or seen as hype or frenzy, but i know in my heart that these were true encounters with the almighty God creator of all. Guys God wants to bless us so much with His joy and his presence. the things we have experinced together are from the Lord, a blessing from the Lord, teaching us that it is normal in Kingdom living to experince the power of the Holy Spirit in our everyday lives. Let us refrain from arguing with people who don't understand and simply let our joy and freedom be a testimony of the power of God. guys people will come against what you have experienced, and this is where we have to be strong and stand firm in our faith. we serve a God that we all would agree could move mountains, so why would that same God not give his children good gifts like we read about in Luke 11:9-13 especially vs. 13 "...How much more will your heavenly father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him." In short my tirade will come to an end! The Lord is so good and is seeking people who will worship him in spirit and truth, God is in no way about being boring, he is a consuming fire.


Monday, November 20, 2006

Did You Put on Your Crown of Beauty Today?

Wow what an amazing God we serve!! He is all about setting us free, releasing us from our oppressions, and healing our broken hearts. He has replaced all of this with a crown of beauty
instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. As each one of you have gone through the encounter, this weekend and two months ago, this is what happened to you. All of the things that you dealt with during that time has been taken care of. You have been set free, released, and healed. Now comes time for you to "walk out" your freedom. You have been set free from your old patterns of thinking, do not let the enemy steal your crown of beauty. As you prayed for the chains to be broken during the last session on Saturday night and covered them in the blood the enemy had to let go. When he comes to attack those very thing you dealt with, remind him of his place, and remind yourself that you taken care of this. As soon as you begin to agree with his lie that "this is still a problem, you still have a problem with this person, or you can't give that up" or whatever the situation was that you took care of, when you give up and believe that lie the enemy has you at a weak spot, when we believe a false truth it gives him legal accsess, and the truth is YOU HAVE BEEN SET FREE, do not, I repeat DO NOT let him steal that freedom. You have the power of the Holy Spirit, he that is in you is greater than he that is in the world.
Do you truly believe that? Lean to recognize the attachs of the enemy. It may be something minor, but it could lead to something much bigger. Remember what you learned about forgiveness. Keep your accounts short, and forgive those who hurt you daily, be carefull how you respond to hurts, unforgivness and bitterness is a sin, and an open door to the enemy. Look over the papers you got at the encounter, you have all this stuff in there. Build up your spiritual forts, our battles are not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers and principalities of this world. Do not be heavyhearted if discouragement comes, be prepared to fight it off. You have all you need to do that. (read Ephesians 6) Seek out others to pray for you, and to lift you up. That is why we have eachother. Continue to pursue holiness, and purity, aline all of your thinking with scripture. The enemy is waging war, he lost ground this weekend and he does not like it because it's not going to stop there, we are going to take it to the streets and in our homes, RIGHT! Be heavenly minded, and fight like a heavenly warrior.


Sunday, November 19, 2006


<----the crew, the mohawk!

Wow is all i can say, God is so good!!! this past week has been hard and rocky as the enemy tried to distract us from the upcoming encounter. but praise the lord we have strength through the power of the Holy Spirit. we had an amazing weekend and God moved in so many ways! this weekend was powerful and a reminder that God moves in different ways all the time. there is no set pattern to how he moves, he just does. To be in a place where we can minister so freely what the Lord has laid on our hearts is amazing. thanks so much Pastor Scott and Pastor Ken for your leadership, and the whole NCF leadership team. Also to all of the youth out there who read this silly blog. you guys are so cool, thanks for being cool with doing things out of the box, God is bigger than we all ever knew. let's go into the future full steam never looking back but always looking on into the future and to what he wants for us. we will never be the same once we come into an encounter with him. it is his power at work within us that gives us strength and power!
be blessed! I'm tired and going to bed! and it's before 10:00!!!! get out of town!!!


Sunday, November 12, 2006

Simple Faith

I'm reminded of the simpleness of coming to the Lord. we can do it anywhere, we can do it all day long. it is so cool to know that we serve a God who is always with us, everywhere, everyday. I think it is so cool that I can talk to God while I drive the tow-motor at work, and I can also talk to Him while I am at home, or leading worship, wherever. let us never think that we have to set a fifteen or twenty minute time to spend with the Lord. we can spend all day with Him, that is what he wants all of us. constantly persistant after our heavenly Father. Let us continue to seek the Lord and ask for His presence to be real in our lives.

Psalm 61: 1-2 (NKJV)---"Hear my cry, O God; attend to my prayer. From the end of the earth I will cry to you, when my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the rock that is higher than I"

peace out-----p-ditty

Friday, November 10, 2006

Love Letters

The Lord is so amazing, and I am so in love with Him. I want to give all of you a challenge for you to do in the near future. Take an hour or so, lock yourself in your room or somewhere quiet, and write a letter to God. Tell Him about all that you are thinking about, ask Him those questions you have that you can't seem to figure out. Talk to Him about the things He is revealing to you about Himself, and about you, and ask Him what all of it means. Pour your heart out to God and be honest with whatever is on your heart. Take this letter, and if it's hand written it's even better, but take this letter and put it somewhere where you know where it is, like your bible, bed side table, somewhere where you keep special things that won't get lost, but also somewhere that you don't see it everyday. Then some time later, months down the road when you come across this letter take it out and read it. You may be very suprised at the way that God answeres your heart cry.

......God I feel so overwhelmed by the silence, I feel overwhelmed by the lack of knowledge I have, and the lack of stamana I have. I let day to day things come in my way, and take my focus off of where it should be, except I don't know where that is.
Maybe I'm trying to do everything else I think I should be doing, like learning about all these things that I think you want to use me in and I'm missing the main ingredient.....You. A real, deep, passionate relationship with you. I'm bypassing the main channel, the only way, the real path. BUT WHY? Usually I know the answers to my own questions, but this time I don't. Why have I allowed myself to fall, when did it happen, how and why. Maybe I should not focus on when, why, and how it happened but pick myself up, dust off my knees and jump up into the lap of my father. I don't need to come to him with an explanation of what happeded and a plan to fix it, I can get up empty handed, scraped knees, and a wounded spirit, and listen to his plan to fix it, and His ideas on what to do now. God is not going to wash my face in my stubborness. All he wants me to do is allow him to hold me until the pain stops, and then walk with me this time. He's telling me.................. "let me help you this time, let me show you how to do it. My child it is not my desire to see you get hurt, but sometimes that's what it takes for you to know that you need me! I want to help you, I want to be apart of you and what you are doing."

That is a portion of a letter that I wrote 2 years ago. That was my heart cry, and I had no idea that God was going to respond to what I was writing as dramaticly as He did. We serve an amazing God who cares about every detail of our life. Put down on paper where your heart is today and watch God blow you away with His amazing love.


Thursday, November 09, 2006

You guys rock my face off!

Hey just wanted to say thanks to everyone out there for the gift certificate...we love chinese! Anyway Just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate all of you and how you are all so much fun to hang out with. we are so excited that God has called us here and are really glad that we all got to cross paths. it seems like we have been here forever, but this is only the beginning. I am constantly reminded of God's faithfulness to us and how He is always leading us to where He wants us to be. let's follow after Him and what he wants for us, not what "we wants for us." our loving father is an amazing one and he loves us with a pure solid love. Let's resolve to keep our eyes focused on Him all the time!


Monday, November 06, 2006

Our Loving Father

Today as I was thinking about God and His greatness, and His power, how the mountians will crumble when His name is lifed high, and the awesomeness of our almighty creator. This is the God that parted the Red Sea, dropped manna from heaven, raised the dead, turned water into wine. His power is greater than we could ever imagine. This is the same God who desires to have a very personal relationship with us. He did all those amazing things and still continues to do amazing things, but most of all He wants us to climb up on His lap and recieve all the love He has for us.
There have been times where I have been in a time of worship, or a place where the presence of God is very heavy, and I've had visions of being in the throne room, in the holy dwelling place of God, and in these visions Jesus is always with me, and the thing that He reveals to me in those times are how precious I am to Him. He is never showing me how powerful He is, but He is revealing His love for me, as I am delighting in Him, He is delighting in me. Dancing with me, placing a crown on my head, embracing me in His loving arms. Our almighty, most powerful God gets down in our face and delights in us. And I know that He feels this way about all of His children, and all of you are His childern.


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Are You Ready?

Are you ready church? Are you ready for an invasion of the Holy Spirit like never before. And it shall be in the last days, God says, I will pour out my spirit on ALL people.

The Lord your God is a consuming fire. Are we ready for Him to invade us?
See you tonight!
