The Way I See It #879

If you've ever gotten a drink at Starbucks you have read this little saying on the side of a coffee cup. it is a way for a person to speak their mind and to get their point across. But I then wonder... what is the way that God sees it, what is the way that God sees us. our life is filled with messages that come at us from every angle, what are we to do? depend on what the Lord is saying! Not being led by the world is reading a "the way I see it #226" on the side of a coffee cup and just letting it at that, not letting it change our life, but allowing God to change our life. if we read a fortune cookie and took it at face value we would be seriously taking matters into our hands. so the way I see it is that we need to look at things with God's eyes and get the mindset that the way I am seeing things needs to be examined in light of what God is saying.
(written after finishing my coffee!)
If you notice the message on this cup is really great, thanks Rick Warren
For once I get to be the first to comment and not Kara! YESSSS!!!!!
That is a very good saying to have on the side of a starbucks cup. And when you think about it, it is so true. Its just awesome. Welp see you all tomorrow and good night!
LOL! well...I got the second one...;-) anyway yes so true and awesome that they would have a message like that on a coffee cya in a little while guys...:-) (u too i was listening to that song again adn thinking "Man i don't want to wait till after SOL!" :-D
anyway ttyl you all laterz...
Hey I would have to admit that that song was a good one. I enjoyed listening to it. :)
those sayings are really cool!!!I never noticed them before lol. O, well i'll look next time;). cya all wednesday!!!
ChinseChristianChurchofNewJersey's "Undignified" dance team. (more) ---search that on google and you will be able to find an awesome vid. on youtube...pretty sweet..
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