Friday, February 23, 2007

Oh My Word

Hey all out there in the blog world what is up. so it has been like double forever since we have updated so i thought i would quickly! The Lord is so good and in this midst of snow storms, canceled valentines banquets and fellowship nights the Lord has been faithful. we had an amazing weekend at the womens encounter, and were very blessed by all that the Lord did. It was amazing to work with the other pastors, even though Ken wasn't there Brenda was, and to see how the Lord moves differently at every encounter. there was such an openness in that place, the Lord was moving in everyones hearts! It totally got us excited about the future and the vision for our church and the excitement of seeing where the Lord will lead on this crazy adventure we know as NCF and the River Youth Church. Life is exciting, and hey Adam even began to show up again, be in prayer!



Monday, February 12, 2007

Are You Satisfied

I think it is safe to say that we live in a world with a lot of unsatisfied people. We are always wanting more, now this wanting more is not a bad thing, as long as it is leading us to the Lord. God has created us with a need that only He can fill. The problem is when we fill that need with things other than Him. Many people come to Him and find salvation, but then go on to other things to fill the need they still have, when the only thing that will satisfy the need is living in the fullness of a personal relationship with Him. I'm talking about encountering Him everyday. Not just reading our bibles, but spending time in His presence daily, breathing in His spirit and allowing it to give us strength we need for the day. If we are not filling that God created need with God, but seeking other things to fill that need, then they are considered idols. The desire to feel satisfied is so strong that when something or someone comes along and seems to fill our needs there is an overwhelming temptation to run after more of it. But really those things will never satisfy, relationships, money, success, hobbies, drugs and alcohol, marriage, you fill in the blank what is it for you. Filling that need you have for a relationship with your creator with anything but Him will leave you, well unsatisfied!
So what do we do, Dr Phil always says, you can't change what you don't acknowledge. So we need to acknowledge what in our lives we are putting before God, what are you pursuing after that is taking the place of God in your life. Don't just write this off and think "nothing", before you clear yourself ask God His opinion, ask Him if there is anything you are putting before Him. We are not always honest with ourselves, but God always is.


Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I Can Only Imagine

As I sat beside my grandfather tonight saying my goodbyes, knowing that he does not have much longer on this earth, it occured to me that I have never been this close to anyone who is this close to actually meeting Jesus face to face. As the sadness of the reality of death hurt my heart to the very core, I realize how I long for that day that I get to meet Jesus face to face. This earth is not our home, we were not created to live here, our bodies are not built to handle this world, we are strangers here in this place. Our home is in Heaven where we will spend eternity with our loving creator, we were created to be with Him in Heaven.

What will that day be like:
What will my heart feel, will I dance for you Jesus, or in awe of you be still, will I stand in your presence or to my kness will I fall, will I sing hallelujah, will I be able to speak at all!!!
I can only imagine!

Only the Lord knows when He will call my grandfather home, none of us know how much time we have in this world, we do not have control of that. But what we do have control of is how we choose to live our lives as we are here. I want to live my life in such a way that when I meet my bridegroom face to face I hear the words " well done my good and faithful servant" I want to spend my time here on earth preparing for that wedding feast.


Friday, February 02, 2007

I hate being sick!

Hey guys i ventured off of the couch and in front of the computer. thanks for all the prayers and such it means a lot. If you would have told me i would still be sick 3days after getting sick I would of said you were crazy. well the doctor (whom i reluctantly went to) says i have influenza, yikes and he gave me the same meds they are stock piling for the bird flu pandemic, ha. anyway I am hoping to be better soon, no men's encounter for me this weekend. God is faithful though. i have sharpened my encounter teachings and read a few books while sitting on the couch. see ya.
