Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Consider It Pure Joy.................WHAT!!!!

James 1:2 says to consider it pure joy whenever you face trials of many kinds. I'm supposed to like going through hard times, okay, two questions..........HOW & WHY!?!?
Well the answer to "WHY" is in verse 3 and 4, but "HOW" is not so simple. Lets take a look at "WHY", because the testing of your faith develops perseverance, perseverance must finish it's work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking in anything. Okay, so when I am going through a tough season I should look at it as a good thing because I am going to grow from it, so I can keep my head high and press on knowing that the Lord is faithful and all will clear soon and I will be a better person on the other side of this. Right!!!!! Well that is easier said than done, but it is true. The bible does not promise a trial free life, but it does promise help along the way.

For he will command his angles concerning you to guard you in all your ways, they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. Ps 91:11-12

So yes the trials will come, but we have help along the way so we can learn from the experience and walk away with perseverance and not bitterness. Being able to walk out of a hard time with our head held high shows we have gained maturity, and are on our way to becoming complete. Walking away bitter and angry, simply put, means we have more growing to do. And we all do have more growing to do, the important thing is that we grow.
"HOW" is the big question, how are we supposed to find joy in hard times. This I think is a process, we need to drowned our minds in scripture, and line up our thinking up with scripture. If we allow our situation to cause us to get bitter, then the enemy has gained control, but if we take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ, then He is in control. And that leads us to being joyful in our trials. Another thing we need to do is stay accountable and connected to other Christians, we are not meant to go at life alone, we need others prayers and support to get through those hard times, because it is tough, it's hard to be joyful in the midst of pain, and hard times but the prayers of others is what carries us through. The best way to look at trials is to ask the Lord, what do you want me to gain from this, maybe your going through a season where he is wanting you to learn to trust Him with everything, maybe He is teaching you about obeying His voice. Maybe he is bringing into the light an area of sin you struggle with so you can be set free from it, or an area of weakness that he wants to make strong. So that is "HOW" we can have joy in trials, when we change our perspective of why we are going through what we are going through. Yes it's the devil trying to destroy us, but God has much bigger and greater plans, that lead to deeper levels of freedom. And I do love FREEDOM!


Monday, January 15, 2007

there is power!

power is something we all need in our lives. we use power all the time, we turn on lights, start cars, use calculators, and computers. all of these things are however disposable. we don't necessarily need them to survive. but to truly survive the world of power we live in today, we need the power of God at work in our lives. we need the power of the Holy Spirit to carry us through. In Mark 1 we read about how John the baptist was baptizing people into repentance, yet he prophesied that there would be one who would be coming who would be far greater than anyone ever. John said "I baptize with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit (Mark 1:8)" Jesus came to baptize people with the Holy Spirit, and the baptism of the Spirit is one of Power, power to withstand the attacks of the enemy and power to live the Christian life. we cannot do it on our own we need the help of the father. let us walk in the power of the Spirit with the full armor of God on so that we can withstand the attacks of the enemy which are constantly hurled at us. if you do not understand fully what the baptism of the Spirit is all about seek out answers, we will gladly answer them, and seek after God and what he wants for you! there is power.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

one body many parts

The church is a great thing. many people many parts. it is freeing to think that i do not have to do it all. we as people can only do a few things very well. and where we are weak others are strong. it is important to recognize each others gifts and abilities and encourage each other as we step out in them. for instance my wife can really cook, if I were to think i could prepare a better meal than her to give to somebody, that would not be the best coming from our family, it would be me forcing something to happen instead of allowing her gifting to work. it is the same way in the church. some people are more skilled and gifted at some things that others, let us walk out in that and not force ourselves into an area of anointing we have not yet received. be free to minister how the Lord calls you to minister. Each one of you is gifted in your own special way, be confident in that.


Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

Well this is the first post of the new year, a lot has happened in the Last year, but 2007 is going to be an amazing. We are so looking forward to all that the Lord has store for us this next year, this next year is going to be a great time of growing in the Lord and seeing what he does when people get crazy about him. let's continue being real with the Father and what he has for us. great things are in store as we surrender ourselves to Him in 2007. Very Excited for SOL1 and where that will be leading us. be blessed, have a great start to the new year.

p and a

while taking a break from painting our room :-)