Sunday, October 29, 2006

Taste and see that the Lord is good!

what an awesome God we serve and he gives us such good gifts! wanted to let all of you know that we love you and are praying for you and are believing that the Lord will continue to do great things in your life. and hey here is an image!!! (i was just trying to figure out how to make our blog cooler than it already is)


Friday, October 27, 2006

Is Your Cup Leaking

Do you ever fell like your cup is leaking, or are you mayby feeling like that now? This week I felt like my cup was leaking. But after I recognized it I quickly took steps to repairing that hole, and even on a rainy, dark day like today I feel like at least the sun is shining in my heart.
So how has your week gone, can anyone relate? This is what I would say to you..............
Isaiah 40: 29-31
He gives strength to the weary, and to him who lacks might he increases power. Though youths grow tired and weary and vigorous young men stumble badly, yet those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary.
Wow, what a power packed verse, even though we will grow weary and tired and our cups will leak the Lord will give us new strenth. He will plug your hole. It seams like when we spring leaks we feel like we are not close to the Lord. But remember what we heard wednesday night if you were at youth. God is always right there He never walks away from us. The enemy wants to make us think that He's not as close as He once was.
Deut. 31:8
The Lord himself goes before you, and will be with you; He will never leave you, He will never forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.
Claim those verses, 2 cor:20 say that ALL of Gods promises are yes and amen. Remind the enemy of his place and the promices that you have been given. The Lord will give you new strength and you will mount up with wings like eagles. Not like sparrows, but eagles, think about the span of an eagles wings it's large and full of power, not like a tiny little bird. But is says eagles, you will mount up with wings like eagles. Now that is a promise that I want to claim. If you are struggling this week go back and read "give us pure hearts" And remember what Paul talked about wednesday, the Lord is inside of you. Plug your hole, do your repairs, and you will see that He was right there beside you the whole time.
Have a great weekend, I love you all and will see you on Sunday. Most of you anyway.


Thursday, October 26, 2006

Bloggers unite

Well everyone at NCF i guess (Unite), hey why not all the Spirit-filled Christians world-wide. The Lord is doing so much good in the world today, and he always has been! Tonight I want to continue on with the intamacy talk we had last night at youth. right now is a key time for all of us to continue in the Lord and continue to believe for further breakthrough in all of our lives. Remember that to think outside of the box is Okay, and let's not let anyone or anything steal the joy that the Lord has given us. be blessed, keep praying, another encounter is on the way and we need to begin to cover it with a solid wall of prayer.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Dinner in Tha Hood

Hey just wanted to get an early word out that there is only "no" people currently coming to "dinner in tha hood." So if you could remember to see if it works for you, and if no new people sign up you can come again!!!!

hope this made sense! good night


Monday, October 23, 2006

A season for growing

After reading Berg's post I was led to write a word of encouragement to you all in multimedia world. She is right on the money. This season we are in is a time for growing in the Lord, there will be a School of Leaders for Encounter peeps coming up very soon, because we need to hone your guys giftings. A word of caution don't let the cart get in front of the horse. take this time you are in to soak up all the Lord has for you. there will be much time for serving and that will happen in due time, but for the time being feel more than welcome to "sit at His Feet and soak in all that the Lord has for you." Take this for instance, Jesus was a man who did three short years of ministry, and he was here on earth for thirty years before that! Does that mean that we are not able to use our gifts until we have been here thirty years. No! we have been called to serve and grow, and we will do that, but for now I say "soak" and "grow" and we will keep watering the seed and watching it grow! On that note feel free to bring along some pillows on Wednesday night just incase you want to comfortably lay at His feet. Expexting great things as we corprately seek His face.

"But the time is coming-indeed it's here now-when true worshippers will worship the Lord in Spirit and in truth. the Father is looking for those who will worship Him in that way. For God is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship in Spirit and in truth" John 4:23-24


Sunday, October 22, 2006

Where the Spirit of the Lord is there freedom!

To comprehend the Power of the Holy Spirit at work in us is overwhelming yet so simple. we have inside of us, each and every one of us, an inheritance, a destiny, a call of the Lord and he gives us His Holy Spirit to help us along the way. come Holy Spirit giving us all You have to offer. it is so true that where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. we can have authority here on earth in the heavenly realms because of the power at work within us. Last night as we came home, I felt this "God Bubble" surrounding our house. we have felt this before But last night it was so strong. It is the Holy Spirit within me that gives me that peace, peace to live in the nieghborhood that we live in, Come Holy Spirit and invade my neighborhood, invade this city, invade this county, Invade this State, invade this country, invade this world... GO!!!!

a very fired up p-ditty

Friday, October 20, 2006

Hey Peeps

P-Ditty here, my wife is amazing isn't she! I wanted to get on here quick (Yes we are still awake!) and update ya'll on what is going on Saturday night. If you are interested in going to here pastor jose (some african lastname) from mozambique Africa be at flowcare at 6:oo. if you are going and we know some of you are let us know so we can properly get us all there! Okay!!! and some great pre-ATF news, the price is dropping every minute from 80.00. On Sunday you will have a number that will greatly please you! It will be a great time, see ya'll later (I like writing like a hick!) Peace out have a good day.


Rightous Prayers

WOW, the Lord is good and He is working in all of you. I am amazed, by the things that you all are writing, the spirit is oozing out of you. Tonight as I was talking with a friend about a situation that needs prayer the Lord reminded me of this as I sat down at the computer to read all your comments,

1 Peter 3:12
For the eyes of the Lord are on the rightous, and His ears are open to their prayers; but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.
James 5:16
...The prayers of a rightous man are powerful and effective.

Wow, his ears are open to our prayers. Now I know that this is a simple concept and we are taught that when we are children the the Lord hears our prayers. We know that, but when we read these verses and let them sink into our hearts we realize that when we are rightous before him, (that means confessing our sins, read the first part of james 5:16) then when we pray HE HEARS OUR PRAYRES AND THEY ARE POWERFUL AND EFFECTIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We can pray and know by faith that our prayers are shaking the heavenlies.
We live in a hurting world there are people all around us that need our prayers, saved and unsaved, even people in church need His healing. There is a powerful thing that happens when you begin to pray for a person, and pray for the spirit to be released into a persons life. Your prayers are effective continue to pray for the people the Lord lays on your heart. Because they are not just going into thin air they are being taken to the throne, and laid at the feet of your Almighty King.
Lord, who am I that you find me rightous and I can come before you with my requests and you make them powerful and effective. I am nothing without you!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Give Us Pure Hearts

Hello everyone. I missed you all this past weekend and missed being in church on sunday, again!!! But thank you for all the comments, they helps to keep us feeling connected to you all, and it's nice to be able to get a glimps of what is on your heart, even though we don't always know who you are. So with that said here is what I have to say today........
I was reminded today, well really it's been all weekend but the revelation came today, of how important it is to keep yourself pure and holy before the Lord, and confessing your sins daily to Him. How often do we allow sin to creep in and not even realize it and before we know it, we are feeling down in the dumps but really can't figure out why.

This kind of down in the dumps feeling will go on as long as we allow it, and by allowing it I simply mean not confessing your sin before the Lord. Okay, the enemy's goal is to kill, steal, and destroy, right (john 10:10) He's is going to try and steal this joy you have, the bible warns us of that, he roams around like a roaring lion seeking who he may devour (1 peter 5:8-9) So he's going to throw thing our way to make us stumble so he has a chance to attack. Us believing any lie from the enemy gives him a foothold. Do you ever do something throughout your day that makes you feel like a DORK, and whatever that is eventualy maks you say to yourself, I am worthless, or I am so stupid and the way this turns into sin is becacse it is not true your believing a lie from the enemy, or what about when someone says something to you that is hurtful, or mean and you begine to feel anger towards that person, even if the comment was said as a joke. Here is another big one that creeps in so quietly that you could go on for days or weeks before you realize what it really is.....PRIDE. It comes in so many different formes that we don't always recognize it as pride. When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. (Prov. 11:2)
It is so important that we come before the Lord every day with our slate wiped clean. Ask the Lord to examine your heart, it's one thing to have a known area of sin, but we need the Lord to sweep through our hearts and reveal anything that we did not realize was there, then deal with it. Ask for forgiveness, and accept His forgiveness.
Keep a short account with God, be quick to confess, make every effort to live a pure life.

Give us clean hands, give us pure hearts, let us not lift our souls to another.

I feel like I have so much more to say about all of this, maybe I'll save it for another wednesday night, where I can do more than just scratch the surface of this. But remember, daily confess your sins, keep your hearts pure. I love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sunday, October 15, 2006

What a time

Well folks we are back from the weekend getaway. it was a great fun filled weekend and we feel really good... and fat! So as I was unpacking and putting things away I was reminded fo how much I missed being at church on Sundays. being gonje two Sundays makes us feel out of the loop, but at least we know we are in t he loop with you youth guys and girls. Anyways the Lord has laid the great Casting Crowns song "I'm here to meet with you" If you don't know this song google it and listen to it. It is basically a cry to God to come and meet us right where we are at. that is my hearts cry, that when the going gets tough I remember to take time to meet with the creator of all times. I am reminded that we can meet with God anywhere we are at. this past weekend we met with the Lord while sitting in a cabin with my parents and my brother and his wife. God came and set us free and united us together as a family. we are blessed to be here, right where we are at, and it is all the Lord working through uos and in us that we can have contentment and hope.

Colossians 3:17 "and whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him"


Friday, October 13, 2006

Update? what is that?

Hey ya'll in the great cyberspace, remember that Pastor P-Ditty and his very (I mean VERY) beautiful wife have three rugrats we chase all day and it is usually at 11:30 or later that we get to the computer. well anyway here is what I have to say...
Guys we need to be in the Spirit 24/7... check this out:

John 4:23-24 "but the time is coming-indeed it's here now-when true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The father is looking for those who will worship Him that way. For God is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth."

Now I will get up on my soapbox!---

Hey this is it, this is what it is all about. we need to be worshipers of God 24/7, that means all the time. we need to live everyday for the Lord and not just live till we get to the next church service, or encounter, or anything like that. those things are all good don't get me wrong, and hey I help plan and cordinate them, but the Christian life is about all week not just the high we get at church! What I am saying basically is that we need to worship the Lord in our every action, this of course is easier said then done but God deals with us and gives us more of Him as we seek and draw closer to him. do this for me. turn off the computer (or at least step away if you don't want to take the eternity to reboot these things) and pop in a CD and just sit and listen to the words of the song. this is a great activity called "soaking" it is basically soaking in God's presence and allowing His voice to be heard as we still ourselves and quiet our hearts before Him. If you are having trouble, pray and ask the Lord to be so close to you and allow all the distractions fade away. and just sit and be, sit and soak it up. God has great things in store for those who worship Him in Spirit and in truth. it is everyday guys. let us strive to be a group of people that can enter into God's presence wherever we are!

The Love that the father has for us is wonderful and we can know this full well.

Also wanted to mention this next Saturday night anyone who is interested in going to hear a speaker from Mozambique is welcome to come with us. this is going to be a good time in the Lord! the church is in Massilon and we will have meeting place leaving times later. don't feel any pressure to go, but if you want to that would be cool. spread the word to everyone!!!

Keep it real, WE WILL NOT UPDATE UNTIL SUNDAY EVENING... OR MAYBE MONDAY... consider us on vacation :-) (that was really lame my :-) thing!) lol (that was too)


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

What is our hope?

As I sit here tonight preparing for tomorrow night I am reminded that all we do is not for us... it is for Him and Him alone. so many times I let myself get in the way of what God is wanting to do in me. I let the struggles of my day bring me down and in that I let the enemy steal my joy. I want to never be like that, I want to be joyful all the time because that is what the Lord wants for us His precious children... to live fulfilled lives with happy days. The Lord is faithful to all who call on his name, let us continually remember to give all of our troubles to Him daily and not wait until it's to late because at that time we may have already missed out on hours of joyful living (the sad thing is we sometimes let it get to days) basically what I am saying is that is so important that we are constantly communicating with God and laying things down before Him and listening to His voice. that is our hope, knowing that God hears our prayers and our cries and HE ANSWERS US!!

See you all later. some of you tomorrow (Go to bed), some of you tonight (you went to bed before 11:30 I'm proud of you)



Ok, I'm not not sure why that posted twice but oh well. Maybe it will mean more the second time. haha

Sitting at the Kings feet

Have you taken time to sit at the Kings feet today. Have you taken time to seek him today. Read the words to this powerful song

The more I seek you
The more I find you
The more I find you
The more I love you
I want to sit at your feet,
drink from the in your hand,
lay back against you and breath,
feel your hearbeat. This love is so dear,
more than I can stand,
I melt in your peace, it's overwhelming.

Is that the cry of your heart? Do you want to sit at his feet, drink from the cup he has to offer. Do you want to feel his heartbeat? If your answer is yes, then I ask, have you taken time to seek him today, have you taken time to lay back against him and find peace from your busy day. Take time to climb up into the lap of your father and allow his heartbeat to bring you peace from all that is on your mind, from all that went wrong today, from all you have for tomorrow. Allow yourself to melt in his peace, because it is overwhelming.
I love you all


Sitting at the Kings feet

Have you taken time to sit at the Kings feet today. Have you taken time to seek him today. Read the words to this powerful song

The more I seek you
The more I find you
The more I find you
The more I love you
I want to sit at your feet,
drink from the in your hand,
lay back against you and breath,
feel your hearbeat. This love is so dear,
more than I can stand,
I melt in your peace, it's overwhelming.

Is that the cry of your heart? Do you want to sit at his feet, drink from the cup he has to offer. Do you want to feel his heartbeat? If your answer is yes, then I ask, have you taken time to seek him today, have you taken time to lay back against him and find peace from your busy day. Take time to climb up into the lap of your father and allow his heartbeat to bring you peace from all that is on your mind, from all that went wrong today, from all you have for tomarrow. Allow yourself to melt in his peace, because it is overwhelming.
I love you all


Sunday, October 08, 2006

dance dance revelation!!!

Hello All
I have had a dance revelation this weekend that I am so excited to share with you all. As a lot of you know dancing is something that our youth group has steped into. What is dancing? I ended my last blog with the question "what's all this about dancing" in refrence to paul's comment "dance for us" but I had no idea God was going to answer that question. So what is dancing, an act of expression from the heart moving through the body. AN ACT OF EXPRESSION FROM THE HEART MOVING THROUGH THE BODY. It is the joy, love, worship that is in our core that can not be contained and comes out through the body. It's us standing before the creator of the universe, our savior, the lover of our soul, delighting in him, AND him delighting in us. Think about that......The creator of the universe delighting in us, and in our act of worship.
Part of the revelation I had, is that God has created us for worship
(that was not the new revelation) all kinds of worship, and dancing is one of them. At the first encounter we had as a youth learning to dance before the Lord was interduced and we all experenced a new freedom in that. This weekend as we had a teaching on dancing and seeing the act of dancing as a worship breakthrough in my own life, I realized dancing is not just for those at FMI (the group we were with) or for New Creation, or for those who have gone to an encounter, but God loves to see ALL his children dancing before him. Not just certian churches that have that freedom but ALL his children. I believe dancing is on the heart of God. There is more to this revelation, but I'm going to save it until wednesday night, because the best part is to come and it's way better in person. So this week pray and ask the Lord to speak to your heart about dancing and what that means to you. Even if you don't understand it yet, pray that you would be ready to receive what the Lord has for you this week. I believe the Lord has something good for us all in store. God bless you all!!!!!!!!!!!! i love you all


We are on top of the world

To say that our weekend was dull would be a complete lie. we had an AMAZING time of refreshment! The Lord confirmed some really great things for us this weekend. we danced, we soaked, we heard good teaching and I even got to play the drums! to go into a weekend retreat and have no responibilities is a wonderful feeling. we got to be on the recieiving end of a lot of good ministry. and we feel like we have just come through an encounter ourselves and we feel very free and light. the theme for the weekend was LIGHT'R (Living in God's heavenly throne-room) and we truely felt like we have heard from the Lord. We are very excited to share with you all of the good things we have learned this weekend. also we want to let you know that you can be confident in who you are in Christ and remember that His Holy Spirit is in you and is giving you all the tools you need to make it through this life. we can KNOW that we are safe from the attacks of the enemy and that we can confidently step out into what God has called us to. I had some great confermation of things I have been feeling in the realm of prophecy and Spiritual leadership. So I will save my long drawn out talk for later! but for now we are very blessed and encouraged by you all. Also look forward to hopefully going to some worship times with these folks because they know how to have a good time.


Saturday, October 07, 2006

what a day

Wow, we made it through our busy day. Thank you to all who were praying for us and the kids. They did wonderful. They made it up the ailse, and they even stayed up front the whole time. Taylor only flashed her underware once. And the best part was that Taylor was happy the whole day and never once had a melt down. You all know how she can be. And thank you to all who got the message to pray for my head. I was hit with a migrane right before we got to the church and by the time we were taking pics my head HURT, so paul called Ken and Scott and people started praying, I felt relief in my head right away. Usually when I get one of these I need to lay down and sleep it off, can't really do that when your kids are in the wedding (and I had to cut the cake). So thank you!!!!
We are very sad to be missing church on sunday, but are looking forward to the retreat we are going to. Can't wait to "blog" about it. Be expecting something cool next week, I sure that the Lord will lay something on my heart for you all. Love you all, see you soon. What's all this about dancing?

Thursday, October 05, 2006

ok, ok relax

So this is all new to us... we have never been so high-tech before and we were very happy to see that our mom is even checking this site out... hahahahaha. anyways we want you all to know that you may think we're cool, but the truth is that you all are cool, and It is amazing what the lord is doing in your lives. these last few weeks have been crazy with so much going on in our lives and it is great to have you all standing behind us and supporting us. thank you!
Please take the time to pray for us as we have a very busy weekend coming up. we have a funeral Friday morning, a wedding friday night and a Holy Spirit packed retreat this weekend. we are really looking forward to this retreat and are expecting great things. And yes we will terribly miss you guys on Sunday. Dance for us!
remember to always be listening for the voice of the Lord, and when he speaks do something about it! If we don't post for a little, remember we are out of town! ok, ok relax


Monday, October 02, 2006

trying this new thing out

We thought we would start a site where we could post our thoughts and prayers as we go throughout these crazy days we live in. check back from time to time and hopefully you will be encouraged by what you read!