I hate being sick!

Hey guys i ventured off of the couch and in front of the computer. thanks for all the prayers and such it means a lot. If you would have told me i would still be sick 3days after getting sick I would of said you were crazy. well the doctor (whom i reluctantly went to) says i have influenza, yikes and he gave me the same meds they are stock piling for the bird flu pandemic, ha. anyway I am hoping to be better soon, no men's encounter for me this weekend. God is faithful though. i have sharpened my encounter teachings and read a few books while sitting on the couch. see ya.
WHOA! I thought only....**cough** old **cough**...people got that...guess not!
lol jk jk
anyway that sounds pretty seriouse...hope you get well soon...
Question: how many more days do you have to stay home? ...
oh and I replied to your e-mail!...ya more time on the couch more time to think... :-D lol
sorry no pic loaded it was one of a sick rat with thermometer in it's mouth. it wasn't a gross rat it was a cartoon so relax!
lol whew...I am glad it was a cartoon..that would be really weird to see a live one...**shudder**
hey man i am prayin for ya and i believe that God is going to heal you soon i believe that he is going to touch you and heal you like Jesus did in the bible...............................WOOT WOOt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
will there be any hot girls at the vallentines party lol!!!!!woot woot
of course I am going to be there!
I am really siked about the valentines party woot woot!it is going to be a BLAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well se ya'll wednesday
p.s.paul what sunday is the youth leading worship?I know you probley told us i just forget lol.Get better soon!
aha...brandon...I know who you are...you are the one...you are the one that left that comment..cause you made it again at SOL1...lol
hey since we r talking about hot ppl being at the valentine party, r there going to be any hot guys there??? jw
??? ???
of course i will be there and u just don't get much better!!!!!! lol!!
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