Taste and see that the Lord is good!

what an awesome God we serve and he gives us such good gifts! wanted to let all of you know that we love you and are praying for you and are believing that the Lord will continue to do great things in your life. and hey here is an image!!! (i was just trying to figure out how to make our blog cooler than it already is)
roflh~that is great and you are right : Pictures do make a post better! :-) lol
so yes as you can see we did get home...at about 12:15? so ya...about an hour ago...well 'night!
It's great to see your blog, and great to hear from you too! Wow, memories memories. It sounds like you've got an awesome ministry going with you and Angie, and I hope it keeps going well.
Email me if you like - I'd love to keep in touch! - Timashoe@hotmail.com
thank you see you wednesday
Thank you so much for all the encouragment and prayers! You guys are so great! Thanks again! O and I love you guys :)
I am so sad I missed it... :-(
cya wed!
wow..I just read the title for the blog...anf I remembered that song from sat. night (FMI). WOW.great memories....:-) I liked that song!
Hey i think that i saw that picture before. It looks great, I think angie is a great picture taker.
hey guys...i need prayer...I am not feeling good right now...
(and yes I did sleep...) I had the shivers...I felt/feel clammy...my throte hurts...and I feel really really stiff and so does my neck...
sO I am really craving prayer....
(the reason I am up is because I woke up because I felt so horrible and I do not feel like laying in my bed again... :-( but I probably will go pretty soon...)
Oh and my ear is starting to hurt...and that would be really bad if it developped into anything...ya.. 'night...
sweet picture man ... thats hot...but you know whats hotter? .......Ya i dont know either....hey tat is an awesome post dude i always look on here and get my daily dose of encouragment
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