Hey ya'll in the great cyberspace, remember that Pastor P-Ditty and his very (I mean VERY) beautiful wife have three rugrats we chase all day and it is usually at 11:30 or later that we get to the computer. well anyway here is what I have to say...
Guys we need to be in the Spirit 24/7... check this out:
John 4:23-24 "but the time is coming-indeed it's here now-when true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The father is looking for those who will worship Him that way. For God is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth."
Now I will get up on my soapbox!---
Hey this is it, this is what it is all about. we need to be worshipers of God 24/7, that means all the time. we need to live everyday for the Lord and not just live till we get to the next church service, or encounter, or anything like that. those things are all good don't get me wrong, and hey I help plan and cordinate them, but the Christian life is about all week not just the high we get at church! What I am saying basically is that we need to worship the Lord in our every action, this of course is easier said then done but God deals with us and gives us more of Him as we seek and draw closer to him. do this for me. turn off the computer (or at least step away if you don't want to take the eternity to reboot these things) and pop in a CD and just sit and listen to the words of the song. this is a great activity called "soaking" it is basically soaking in God's presence and allowing His voice to be heard as we still ourselves and quiet our hearts before Him. If you are having trouble, pray and ask the Lord to be so close to you and allow all the distractions fade away. and just sit and be, sit and soak it up. God has great things in store for those who worship Him in Spirit and in truth. it is everyday guys. let us strive to be a group of people that can enter into God's presence wherever we are!
The Love that the father has for us is wonderful and we can know this full well.
Also wanted to mention this next Saturday night anyone who is interested in going to hear a speaker from Mozambique is welcome to come with us. this is going to be a good time in the Lord! the church is in Massilon and we will have meeting place leaving times later. don't feel any pressure to go, but if you want to that would be cool. spread the word to everyone!!!
Keep it real, WE WILL NOT UPDATE UNTIL SUNDAY EVENING... OR MAYBE MONDAY... consider us on vacation :-) (that was really lame my :-) thing!) lol (that was too)