what this life is all about
Just wanted to get that off my mind... maybe blogging through this time will be helpful to our sanity. does anybody still check this thing?
Jason: hello fellow americans. jordan used up more than 15 minutes to wash. this made me have to move faster and that is hard considering it was about 7:26 in the morning. the breakfast was amazing, except for jordan he has some weird ideas for breakfast sandwiches. toast and STRAWBERRY jam and eggs, sausage, cheese. who uses STRAWBERRY jam on a breakfast sandwich? yes i will admit i fell asleep during the movie. i'm sorry. oh and i got a door slammed in my face. have you seen my face its awesome. who in the world wood slam a door in my face?! i stood there for a second after it happened and was like wow my awesome face just got slammed. but just pray for this mans deliverance. other that......my face got slammed. peace out ill be back, and stay tuned for more of me and my awesome face.
Jordan: well today was like a very interesting day as some of you know it takes me a little bit to get moving in the morning and when i heard my alarm it was 6:55 but it was set for 6:45 so as you can imagine it put me behind now if jason had got up and went when it was his turn he would have had a whole 7 minutes more and i would have only been "OVER" 4 minutes other than that things are great it was really nice to hang out with the crossfire youth group (Crossways youth ministry) on sunday they are a lot like our church today was a really good this morning devotions was good but it took a while to get into it but the toxic hard tile stuff we put out in the bathroom counter cleared our heads and me and mi amigo senor jason started to see a pink bunny but it turned purple and then rainbow so after that things cleared up with one massive head ache but the rest of the day was extremely good thank you for reading this very personal letter to all you River Fans Have a great week Love Your Beloved Freederick III. this is jason! JORDAN I GOT UP RIGHT AWAY!!! he likes to make me look bad. by the way my face is still awesome.
This is Paul... Anyways the day was really good. we are all really tired and off to bed, be praying for us that we would have an amazing time with the Lord this week! the prayer time this evening with Conrad was a real breakthrough moment for the group, God's presence came strong and we entered into a time of deep intercession, it was powerful! Thanks for reading this long post and please leave comments so we can see who is reading this! we will try to post some pics some time!