Paul and Angie's Rebuttal
It blesses me to be able to work with a group of young people who are excited to hit the streets and prayer walk, and pray for people. I would say that it seemed like you all enjoyed the ministry times better than the work we did. Work is great and it's awesome to be able to accomplish something and stand back and say "wow, look at that" and it blesses the people you do it for so much. And it is important, if it wasn't than it wouldn't be a gift that God gives some people, (service) but for too long the church has hid behind service project mission trips and it left out a major issue on God's heart, and that is taking His love to the streets, and going to those who would never step foot in a church building because they have a skewed view of church. They see rules and regulations, but what they need is for a child of God to show them His heart of love for them. There are many attributes to God and many ways to show the world His love. Thank you all for being so open and willing, even when your awesome faces got doors slammed in them. Remember what Leif said, "you can't humiliate someone who is already humble"
Paul's take---
Four score and seven years ago... oops wrong speech. Lets try again. This week was a really good week, it is hard to sit back and think of everything that we did because there was so much. I really enjoyed the time in Urbana and being able to connect with all our friends there and seeing the team dive right in. it was fun all staying at one house and being the founder of the "posture check" movement was quite fun. i would yell "posture check" and everyone would sit up ( as i am typing i sat up straight ) Angie and I have been trying to decide if our family of toddlers is easier to manage than a family of teenagers? we will let you know what we discover laster! I really do appreciate everyone on the team and their willingness to be flexible and stretched, even to the point of actually having doors slammed in their faces. i was so blessed when we discovered that every kid that came to the kids club was from the neighborhood that we passed out flyers in, go God. I was also blessed to see the teams hunger to spend time with the Lord and to learn and understand the concept of prayer. we had a prayer focused week... Conrad is a prayer warrior and shared with us some of his prayer experiences and then "the call" further fueled our desire to get before the Lord in prayer, joining 80,000 people crying out to the Lord is truly a life changing experience! Let us not stop praying for our nation and for an end to abortion and for revival to spread around the world.
Now on the lighter side, we though it would be funny to let our other readers have a little incite on what it was like for us to live with you all for a week
Jordan--- How can you drink that smelly fiber stuff, which one night ended up all over the kitchen window. Always right there helping load and unload, You could always count on Jordan to be where you needed him to be.
Heather--- Why is it "Hed" and not "Head"? She actually tried walking on water, way to go Heather! Always had a verse from the Lord to go along with what we were encountering
Jessica --- Poor thing, she was the one to discover that the horrible smell in the van was Jason's feet... it actually smelled like cat pee. You could always count on Jessica to be where she was supposed to be when she was supposed to be there, and always did her work diligence.
Hannah --- Full of useless, but interesting facts, she should go on a trivia show, could win millions, who knows? Always paying attention to the teachings and sermons we heard and reminding us of them at just the right time. Hide the Word in you heart!
Jason --- Where do we start? His feet really do stink and he truly was the entertainment of the trip. You can really count on Jason to do anything and he will do it and not ask questions.
Kara --- Always asking "what" style questions. Oh and keep this girl away from radio's, stereos, MP3 players and sound systems, especially when she is supposed to be painting. Kara has a serious heart for prayer and is willing at anytime to dive into deep prayer for whatever the need is.
In closing we want you all to know that we love and appreciate you and would take you anywhere with us, it is an honor to work with such a great crew of kids, God has mighty big plans for each of you, keep seeking His face He will lead you to where you need to be!