I'm Thankful your patient
God is looking for a people that will be sold out to him. when the tough times come they laugh because they know that they have the fruit of the Spirit within them, and mighty weapons in spiritual warfare. seek my face he says, read the word, it is a powerful tool, pray for the sick, pray without ceasing, Lord you are so good. the song Shout unto God comes to mind. "SHOUT UNTO GOD WITH A VOICE OF TRIUMPH, SHOUT UNTO GOD WITH A VOICE OF PRAISE, THE ENEMY HAS BEEN DEFEATED, DEATH CANNOT HOLD US DOWN. shake of the dust, take up your crosses and follow me, I will give you rest, I will help you through the tough times if you allow me to. i want to take your burden, I want to give you rest, you are not alone, you are able to soar on the wings of eagles, "close your eyes you have to believe, your not alone" (Words of the Jason Upton song playing on my CPU. please go to www.jasonupton.com and click on KOD radio and listen, soak!) we are not alone, God is with us, right here, lord come and lead us, help us to understand more of you. Victory is here, it is at hand, don't be afraid.
Be prepared for a great move of God, the enemy is freaking out because he is losing the battle at NCF, lets keep fighting the fight, sounding the battle cry and believing for more of the Lord, Invite all your friends to come on Wednesday, let's seek the face of God, enter into the holy of holies, this is what church is all about.
Thanks bloggers for reading my ranting, my hearts desire is to see God move in incredible ways. let's not attempt to confine the creator of the box to the box. fight the fight, STAY STRONG.