the battle is at hand

Warriors the time to fall to our knees is upon us, the enemy is prowling around trying to steal joy and destroy everything the Lord has done in our lives. we will boast in the Lord because He is good, He has always been good, and always will be good. the encounter coming up at the end of July is key to the life of the River, we need to all show up expecting God to move in powerful ways (Of course with us laying our agenda down and expecting His!) let us fall to our knees in prayer and at the same time get to our feet and let the our whole world know what is going on the last weekend in July, tell everyone you know, lets fill that place up so full we don't know what to do. even if you cant make it send someone in your place, God is going to be moving as young people seek His face and cry out. Lets ware holes in our jeans...
totally...lols the joy of the lord is just is somehow...XD it something i was realising sunday it is super important. :]
whats this about holes in our jeans?
I AM SO PUMPED for the encounter...
o and also..the reason i am up this late is cause i was working on spanish... >_> just to let you know...XD
we spend so much time on our knees that we wear holes in our jeans
o ok...makes sense :]
haha i founnnd it. :] k so it is way at the top of the list of animations. It is under the catagory "Titles, one line" and it is called "scroll, perspective"
hpoe it works for you!!
I am so excited for the encounter!!!!!!!!!! It is going to be awesome! Woot Woot!!!!!!!!!!
woooooo omw.... i am sitting here being plowed over by the holy spirit right now...
woooo.....heyyy ;) you know what i mean... like mojorly... hahahahahaha we just spent the last 34 minutes coming home and laughing our heads off...
i am officially...drunk. ahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahah heeyy whoa! oooo hahahahahah
God is awesome...
so how late did you stay then?
well we shut the fun down at 11:30, whoa!
lol! thats about when we finally almost stopped laughing...
haha but i am still jerking this morning... woa. XD
God is awesome
and wednesday will...rawk. :D
lol its probably a good thing i did not stand up all evening...haha i think i probably would have fallen over or hit someone. XD hahahah
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