Thank you everyone who had a part in my wonderful birthday party Sunday night. You all are a wonderful group of people and I love you all very much, and I am so enjoying getting to know all of you. Having you all be a part of my life is very special to me. So thank you all! Thank you for making that day special.
fist comment!!!!!!!!!!! woot woot lol it was ton of fun!!!!! how do u feal beaing so old..........
gotya gotya gotya gotya gotya gotya gotya
gotya gotya gotya gotya gotya gotya gotya
gotya gotya gotya gotya gotya gotya gotya
gotya gotya gotya gotya gotya gotya gotya
Happy belated Birthday Angie and sorry I wasn't there.
I don't like being this close to 30
lol was any guys if you want some pics and a vidoe thingy of the avent go to my blog... :-)
I am glad you enjoyed your party. You are an important part of the youth too. Hope you weren't too tired the next day. We all love you.
UPDATE!!! I know you can do it...i did! ;-) so did brandon... heh check out my latest post...o rofl...
hey all happy suprise birhtday ang oh and ya you should update i totally did and probably will again oh hahahahahahaha who ever headbangerette17 is should come up with a new name cause its pretty lame to steal someone elses name. be creative come on i know you can hahahahahahahahahahahahah
update update update
toninght was ausome we need to do that more often
mhm...UPDATE! if you don't update people will stop checking...i have yet to though...i keep hoping.. ;-) anyway last night rawked out...
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