Oh my word a post again!!!
well blog world it has been oh so long since we have been together! i must say i do miss doing this when i go through a season of not updating. it is always a joy to see all of the comments. I have been learning lately to roll with the punches, not actually being physically punched (i'm not much of a fighter) but learning to enjoy life because that is what i am doing right now, living life. take this as a life lesson but take the time to stop and smell the flowers! it is worth it and actually brings about sanity. we will always have work to do and chores and what-not but i am learning that i need to t
ake time and rest and be with my family and do the things that i enjoy doing (a few for example: coffee and spending time with my wife!). tonight angie and I got to go on a date! it was great to spend time with her uninterrupted and every time we do something like this we say "we need to do this more" it was great to be out and about and enjoy a day together with no agenda. basically peeps for your own sanity don't be so busy you don't have time for you! Now i will resume watching angie pack for africa (she is ripping the center out of toilet paper rolls---really funny to watch!)

LOL!! nice...but why is she ripping them? and thats awesome that you guys got to do something together..it is important for parents to do that. :]
lol we went to town today...hmm we might have been in the same area! 0_0!
if you rip the center tube out it flattens down to a smaller size!!! the art of packing light and tight
a date is a social engagement between two persons that often has a romantic character if you had that then it was a date lol any way i whink you are going to be so happy when angie gets back you are going to what to go on several dates any way have a good reat of the week and keep in the truth any way did you know that they make travel toliet paper rolls you might wont to consider that next time you try it it will save you time and space look in the camping section at wally world
camping tp is great for camping, angie needs this to last for a month! (did you know charmin makes rolls of tp that are the equivalence of 4 rolls!!!)
0_0 wow... thats pretty impressive... ;D
hahah that is awesome i wish i could have seen that! Just wanted to let you guys know that i am praying for your family this week! love ya guys! Be blessed
please excuse the mess i cant seem to find the end of the roll of unrolled toilet paper in the mess of regular toliet paper
i was just going to ask why in the world she is going that but i found out without even asking so nevermind.... anyways.... i might just do that! lol. hope you dont mind me copying off of you. welp i better go!
is it true that certian persons that just so happened to go to nicaraugua will be sharring tomarrow
LOL! like who? amber? didn't she go to Ecuador?
it is true spread the word
You guys are in my prayers always!! Good luck with packing angie :D luv ya guys! *kara rae*
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