Faithful in the simple things!

God is so good, this is especially evident in the way he works in our lives. we can go through trials and troubles yet he is right there, always with us! The fact of the matter that I am typing this on a laptop that was not mine a little over a week ago! God is always with us, we need to always remember that in our everyday lives, and take time each day to spend in his presence, in his word, and in worship and prayer this is a priority we need to make in our lives! to remain full and overflowing we need to be constantly immersed in the Lord. I am so excited about what God is doing in our midst. lets set our focus on the Lord and keep looking forward and not allow the enemy to steal our joy. I am ready to go swimming, anyone else in?
Some food for thought and to chew on for ya'll. a School of leaders will be starting in January, more details are coming as they evolve, also for those who were interested in the FMI retreat it has been moved to the first weekend in March. if you didn't know before that you wanted to go we really encourage you all to come it will be a great time, cost will be around 40.00 to 60.00!
Is that YOU in those flaming orange shorts?!?!
umm yes I can't wait for both things....
which 1 is u in that picture?! lol
The one guy in the red shorts is jumping before he even is at the edge.... guess he wasnt really I am so excited that the FMI retreat was moved cuz now i might be more able to get off.... maybe... And also a school of leaders sounds amazing too. I am just in a really good mood... i feel like singing. Ahhh.....
to clear up any questions i am not the one in the picture :-) In fact I don't even know how to dive, and wait a minute i still plug my nose. oh my word i can't believe i told you all that...... I'm totally embarrassed right now?
lol ok so it isn't it andy?
(don't worry I plug my nose when I jump too... :-p) lol
wow blogs are awesome i get on here and read everyones post and am reminded of so many things and am encouraged in so many ways. god is just so incredible in the way he speaks to you through others and just through your devo times its just awesome.
haha the message was awesome last night! thanks!...actaully thanks you god for telling angie to do it! :-)
So I changed my blog around...go look...tell me if it works (I am trying beta again...)
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